Tangerine Peel: Revitalize Your Body and Mind

Break Down Stagnation with the Power of Tangerine Peel.

illustration of dried orange and slices of tangerine peel on purple background

Boost your health with tangerine peel: aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and more.

What is Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi)?

Tangerine peel, known as Chen Pi in traditional Chinese Medicine, has long been used to help digestion and treat colds and coughs. This herbal profile gives some easy recipes for incorporating tangerine peel into a wellness regime.

Benefits of Tangerine Peel in Traditional Chinese Medicine

For centuries, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have used tangerine peel for its healing properties, which can benefit digestion, inflammation and stress levels. Consuming tangerine peel is most commonly used to promote digestion and absorption of food, reduce indigestion and bloating or even ease abdominal discomfort. Additionally, its calming properties are believed to help balance out hormones and encourage better sleep. It also aids in circulation by providing oxygen and essential nutrients to the body.

Tangerine peel offers a powerful benefit to those looking to warm the Spleen and regulate Middle Burner Qi, two important aspects of Chinese Medicine. When not in balance, the Spleen and Qi can cause a range of physical and mental anguish, from digestion concerns to feelings of sorrow. Consuming dried tangerine peel, raw or in soups and broths, helps restore this vital balance and consequently brings greater wellness to individuals.

The tangerine peel holds incredible benefits for those wishing to improve their well-being, particularly when it comes to respiratory illnesses. Utilizing the power of this citrusy fruit, one can dry dampness, reduce phlegm and disperse congestion in the lungs and middle burner effectively. Tangerine peel can be added to meals or used as remedies to alleviate the symptoms of common colds and sinus infections - an essential in anyone's wellness regimen!

Reducing potential for Stagnation caused by tonifying herbs

Have you ever experienced feeling 'stuck' after taking a tonifying herbal supplement? You're not alone. These herbs can often lead to stagnation, making it difficult to progress in certain aspects of life. Luckily, the incredible powers of tangerine peel could be the answer you are looking for. Not only does this natural treatment have positive effects on immunity and cholesterol levels, it can also help break down any stagnation caused by tonifying herbs and keep energy flowing. Incorporate tangerine peel into your well-being routine today to open the door to incredible change and growth.

Illustration of dried tangerine peels on a purple blue background

Key Functions of Tangerine Peel

Ahh, the delightful aroma of tangerine peel! Not only does it bring a pleasant scent to the air, but it's also full of nutrients and compounds that can boost your health.

Let's dive into the key functions of tangerine peel and see what makes it so special. Rich in dietary fiber, tangerine peel can support digestive regularity and good gut health. It also contains numerous antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene – all of which help fight cell-damaging free radicals and keep your skin looking young and vibrant.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties (due to its high levels of potassium and catechins), can help lessen swelling, joint pain, and other inflammation-causing ailments. Lastly, essential compounds like limonene and linalool present in the peel provide natural stress relief.

Warm the Spleen and regulating the Middle Burner Qi

This can do wonders for your wellbeing! In traditional Chinese Medicine, the spleen and middle burner Qi are linked to the immune system and digestion. A healthy spleen means a healthy immune system. Luckily, tangerine peel can come to the rescue! Rich in antioxidants, tangerine peel can help regulate your Middle Burner Qi and promote a healthy spleen. Citrus limonoids, a class of compounds found in tangerine peel, can help stimulate the immune system and fight off foreign invaders.

Drying Dampness and dispersing Phlegm from the Lungs and Middle Burner

One of its most powerful uses relates to the Chinese medicine concept of ‘dampness.’ If you’re feeling off balance and suspect something is out of whack, chances are the answer lies in your internal equilibrium. A build-up of ‘dampness’ in the lungs and middle burner can be the culprit.

Tangerine peel has been used for centuries to treat this condition when your body is too damp and produces too much mucus. Its properties make it an effective ‘diuretic’, meaning it disperses the excess fluid and helps dry up the phlegm. Utilizing the power of tangerine peel can help get your body back on track and restore balance.

How to Use Tangerine Peel

The delicious peel of a tangerine can be used in a variety of ways to bring balance and help you feel your absolute best. Here are some ways to make the most of the tangerine peel benefits.

Brew yourself a tantalizing tangerine tea to quickly quench your thirst! Cut a few tablespoons of dried tangerine peel and add it to boiling water for fifteen minutes. Sweeten with honey or other sweetener of your choice if desired, then enjoy! Not only will you be refreshed and hydrated, but this tea has all the perks that come from consuming tangerine peel in a much more convenient manner.

Alternatively, you could try making a tangerine-peel-enhanced smoothie or juice. Start by blending up a banana, a handful of spinach and a tablespoon of tangerine peel. Then strain the mixture and add a cup of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey (if desired). This delicious beverage is a great way to start your day, giving you a boost of energy and a helping of tangerine peel goodness.

For an extra zesty dish, add some diced tangerine peel to your stir-fry. Throw it in the pan with the other ingredients and let it simmer for a few minutes before serving. Not only will this give your stir-fry a citrusy kick, but you'll also get a good dose of vitamins and minerals from the tangerine peel.

The Takeaway

If you haven't already added tangerine peel to your holistic wellness routine, it's time to get on board! Rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, this zesty citrus peel can warm the spleen, dry dampness, reduce phlegm, and provide natural stress relief. Whether you're looking to boost immunity, improve circulation, or reduce stagnation caused by tonifying herbs, incorporating tangerine peel into your diet might do the trick!

The Research Behind Tangerine Peel

These results suggest that tangerine peel should be the most suitable, to reduce risk of some diseases such as cardiovascular and some associated to lipid oxidation. Learn More

Overall, tangerine peel possesses potent anti-neuroinflammatory capacity, which is attributed to the collective effect of hesperidin, nobiletin, and tangeretin. Learn More

The peel of this fruit could be a source of beneficial micro and macro nutrients, as well as bioactive phenolics to improve oxidative health and mitigate oxidative hepatic damage and associated disease states. Learn More